Thank you for stopping by and supporting my journey as a devotional writer. It is with a sincere heart that I hope to be able to weave in a little hope and encouragement to "your" journey as well.
Please come back often and touch base via social media. I would love to hear your story and know how I can be lifting you up in prayer.
In the meantime, check out the links to my faith-based articles and devotionals, and the heart behind these pieces.
Being missions-minded, please note that part of the proceeds of my devotional books goes back to ministries near and dear to my heart. Do you have a ministry you'd like to share with me? I would love to connect with you.
It would also be an honor and privilege to offer you my freelance writing services or speak at your next event. If you are interested, please be sure to check out my featured articles and publications. If you are seeking speaking services, please know that your event is important to me, and I would love to connect with you to hear more about it. Check out my speaking page for topics I can share with your community of ladies.
For further information or questions, contact me at alicia.searl@gmail.com
Ministries and charitable organizations that have my heart:
Samaritan's Purse/Operation Christmas Child
Church Youth Group/Fellowship
Blogs I currently contribute to:
(Click on the links to view publications)