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6 Scriptures That Capture the Christmas Story

Our living room has a book box that holds picture books for our youngest daughter. I do my best to rotate them out each season as we usher in different holidays. As of now, that wicker box is filled with picture books on Santa, the Bernstein Bears, and Five Little Snowmen. But, my favorite books take a deeper look into the reason for the season, proclaiming the birth of Jesus. There is a touching story about a crippled lamb that made his way to the manger and a beautiful picture book that shares the story of Christmas with vivid pictures that make it truly come alive.

These books have been well-loved, and some have even been passed down from previous generations. So, when I glance over at that book box, I am grateful. Grateful that God's story is told to our precious children and continues to live on!

Maybe you have some picture books that retell the story of Jesus, or you share that story in your own words when you tuck them into bed at night. Maybe you are fortunate enough to hear stories of the past from grandparents, their take on the Christmas story, and how they celebrated this time of year.

Many stories have been passed down and shared about our Lord's humble and miraculous birth. For quite some time, this unconventional story has been shared and retold by many, including pastors, theologians, and authors. However, while we can certainly indulge in these stories, joyfully listening and reading them to our children, nothing quite compares to hearing and seeing those words come to life when we open up the precious Bible.

Just opening up His Word does something for our hearts, minds, and souls.

If you really want to dig into some Scriptures and capture the essence of Christmas, then go ahead and grab your Bible and maybe some cocoa and chocolate-covered pretzels (because this is going to be good). Then, get settled in and savor this time of year by getting wrapped up in His presence and in tune with the real spirit of Christmas.


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