The parable of the prodigal son is a familiar one among believers and is often shared in faith-based circles or among youth groups, providing a valuable lesson of hope. Yet, when this story hits close to home, and a faithful parent witnesses the falling away of their own flesh and blood, it can be unbearable at times and there is a sense of sheer helplessness.
A few years ago, we watched our oldest drift in life and follow a very destructive path. Although she was raised in the church and read Bible stories since she had been in the womb, it’s almost as if something inside her snapped and in a few short months a destructive pattern of behavior emerged. It was heart breaking. It still is heartbreaking as she continues to teeter over the line between worldliness and faith. Yet, when she does go with us to church and I see her lift her hands in praise to worship the Lord, I know deep in my heart that while the enemy may be wooing her, she still belongs to God. She is His daughter, first and foremost.
This must have been exactly how the prodigal son’s father felt upon seeing his son from a distance. Although he knew his son had squandered his inheritance, wasted his life on sinful pleasures, and essentially ran away from all that was good, seeing his son made him rejoice.
Maybe you are a parent of a prodigal son or wayward daughter, awaiting them to return home, physically and/or spiritually. If so, let me first extend my heartfelt sympathy and say how very sorry I am that you are in this situation. I wish there were the perfect words that could comfort your wounded heart. However, I do know and understand the anguish and exhaustion that comes from raising a child in the way they should go only to watch them part ways with it.
However, if I can extend any hope and encouragement to you today, it is this: you are not alone in this journey. There are so many parents who are fighting the same battles and often do so in silence. As a parent of a wayward daughter who has made plenty of my own parenting mistakes, I am slowly coming to grips with a few realizations. Maybe you need to be reminded of them, too?
First, your children’s choices aren’t a reflection of your parenting skills, but rather a harsh reminder of the challenges of raising kids in a lost and broken world (Romans 3:23) God gives us the free will to choose between good and evil, so we must lay the spiritual foundation, then give the freedom to choose as well (Matthew 22:37).
The truth of the matter is that your child may be choosing to live in a manner that is displeasing to you, but there are consequences for choosing their own way and not obeying God and His will (Colossians 3:25). Sometimes our children need to learn that the hard way and may even hit rock bottom. As sad as it is to hear those words, we have hope, and God’s Word offers help! Oh, dear friend, we must hold on to the truth that we serve a God that is merciful and forgiving and is continually pursuing us, no matter how far we venture off or how much our sins try to consume us (Luke 15:4-6). That means that the prayers of a parent for their prodigal child are so very powerful, and we can pray for deliverance and God’s hand of mercy over them!
Let’s Pray:
Father God, You are our true source of hope and the place we can go for help when we are desperate and weary. Today I lift my broken heart to You in need of the hope that can only be found in Your love, mercy, and grace. I have done my best to raise my son/daughter (name) in a Godly home, but I admit I have made plenty of mistakes. Please forgive me where I have failed You or my child and provide healing to the wounds that have been acquired on this journey. Lord, I thank you for my son. I deeply love him, but the choices and decisions that he is making are causing a wake of destruction and so much tension to our relationship. I know You have a plan for him, and even in the midst of these trials there is a purpose, so I hold tightly to the promise that this will be a part of his testimony and can be used for good.
O God, I know You are so much stronger than any wicked influences that are found in this world, and the temptations that my son faces, which is why I have faith that he will not be able to permanently depart from the foundation that was set before him (Proverbs 22:6). I plead with my whole heart for You to release him of this sinful hold, that every lie from the deceiver will be brought to light, and that he will seek repentance. I pray no weapon formed against my child prosper because he is covered by the love, mercy, and blood of Jesus.
I ask all of this in Your holy and precious name, Jesus, amen.
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