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Thank you for your interest in having me come alongside you and speak at your next conference, event, or podcast.
Below are just a few examples of topics with descriptions that can be thoughtfully shared. It would be a pleasure to learn more about your specific needs and work together to provide a memorable experience. As you scroll down further, you will find a document with more information and details about speaking services.
Once again, thank you for your consideration!

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20
Click on pictures or find more on, Instagram, & YouTube

Soon to be featured in a documentary
"How Do You Hear God's Voice?"
What's New!

Mini Mom Com Conference
Leaning Into God's Promises to Find Your Identity

Join us for an IG live webinar on
"Navigating Mental Health in College"

Click link below to download the speaking press kit
Contact for more information:
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